Italian placement test
The Italian placement test takes place at the start of each semester and gives access to the Italian language "regular" courses (levels A1, A2, B1, B2/C1). On the basis of their test results, students are admitted and placed into the most suitable group. To be admitted to the regular courses, students must show they can use the language productively at least at an A1 level.
Italian placement test details - winter term a.y. 2024-2025
- When: 25 September 2024 (in the event of higher numbers, some students will be shifted to September 27)
- Venue: lab B2.1, Language Centre, largo Sant'Eufemia 19 - Modena
- Time: the shift will be automatically assigned at the end of the registration process on esse3:
- Registration: on esse3 from 01/07/2024 9.00 a.m. until 22/09/2024 23.59 (CET times)
It is compulsory to register for the test on esse3:
1) log onto esse3 with your UNIMORE username and password
2) in the top right menu click on Area Registrato, then "Valutazioni e test", then "Iscrizioni valutazioni e test"
3) select "Placement test di lingua italiana"
4) register for the test following the procedure till the final confirmation
5) in the registration form you will find what time to show up for the test. The assigned shift can NOT be changed
If you are a researcher or a visiting scholar wanting to participate in the placement test for the Italian regular courses, please write an email to