B1 di Ateneo - what is it?

The final exam "B1 di Ateneo" is the English B1 proficiency test reserved for students belonging to the following Degree Courses:

  • Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - DIEF (MODENA): Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Constructions and Territorial Management
  • Department of Life Sciences - DSV (MODENA): Biotechnologies, Biological Sciences
  • Department of Life Sciences - DSV (REGGIO EMILIA): Agricultural and Food Sciences and Technologies
  • Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering - DISMI (REGGIO EMILIA): Management Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering
  • Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics - FIM (MODENA): Physics, Informatics, Mathematics


The test is computer-based and takes place in the computer labs of the Centro Linguistico (for those studying in Modena) and of the Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering, on the San Lazzaro campus (for those studying in Reggio Emilia).

The following skills are assessed:

  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension
  • grammar and use of English

Students are recommended to refer to the 'B1 di Ateneo' test structure and to the exam syllabus.

To prepare for the exam, two mock tests are available here.


To prepare for the exam, students can also take part in meetings on exam preparation & strategies with mother-tongue teachers. Next available dates:

  • 30 August 2024, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm (registrations open 21 Aug - 28 Aug 2024)

Please book your seat here: https://moodle.unimore.it/course/index.php?categoryid=5304.

Meetings will be held on Teams (the Teams link will be sent from the teacher in due time).



In order to sit the exam, it is mandatory to enrol on the Esse3 platform. Students who pass the exam will have it verbalized on Esse3 and receive 3 Educational Credits.



Please be reminded that if you take the exam in Modena you must change your UNIMORE password shortly before the exam date in order to access the lab computers. You can change your password here.

Please refer to the page Tests and exams during the COVID-19 pandemic for all the other requirements to sit exams, both in person and at distance.

Exam dates - A.Y. 2022/2023

*** Attention! From 2023 onwards, those who fail the exam twice (being absent is counted as a failure°) must attend and fulfill the online course before they can sign up for another exam date. For further information please visit the preparation course page: English "B1 di Ateneo" courses (receptive skills) ***

° please, cancel your registration to the exam if you do not intend to take it.



Tuesday 09/01 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 22/12/2023-07/01/2024

Thursday 11/01 (Modena)
sign-up period: 22/12/2023-07/01/2024

Wednesday 24/01 (Modena)
sign-up period: 15/01/2024-21/01/2024

Friday 26/01 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 17/01/2024-23/01/2024


Wednesday 14/02 (Modena)
sign-up period: 29/01/2024-11/02/2024

Friday 16/02 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 31/01/2024-13/02/2024

JUNE 2024

Tuesday 04/06 (Modena)
sign-up period: 23/05/2024-02/06/2024

Friday 28/06 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 18/06/2024-25/06/2024

JULY 2024

Wednesday 03/07 (Modena)
sign-up period: 20/06/2024-30/06/2024

Friday 26/07 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 15/07/2024-23/07/2024


Monday 02/09 (Modena)
sign-up period: 19/08/2024-29/08/2024

Friday 06/09 (Reggio Emilia)
sign-up period: 19/08/2024-29/08/2024


The earliest that students enrolled in the a.y. 2024/2025 can take the exam is the winter session (January 2025).

All the information regarding exam location and enrolment periods will be available in the specific exam session on Esse3.



Exam results will be available on Esse3 within 4-5 working days. Please note that "Ritirato" means you have not passed the exam.

Exam viewings will be offered to failed students within two weeks after the exam date. Please sign up on Moodle.



Students who have passed the English Entry Test will have the English B1 "idoneitą" verbalized on Esse3 and won't need to take this exam.



Students who have a language certificate accepted by UNIMORE can send it to the Student Office of the respective Department in order to obtain 3 CFU.


Any more queries?

Please contact us at test.cla@unimore.it