Cursos de especialización

Prerequisite: to be a regular UNIMORE student currently enrolled in a Unimore degree course for the entire duration of the language course.

The course is optional, free and designed for students who have B2/C1 language level (according to the CEFR).

A.Y. 2023/2024



Curso post-grado lingüistico en E/LA (Español, lenguajes académicos) en didáctica contrastiva dirigido a futuros profesores de español para extranjeros E/LE

Monica Valencia Casal


October-December 2023


 Curso post-grado lingüistico en E/LE lenguajes sectoriales para el mundo laboral Monica Valencia Casal download

June-July 2024

Lessons will be held online (Microsoft Teams), whereas the exam takes place in person.

Students need to sign up in order to attend the course (limited seats: min. 10 / max. 25).

At the end of the course it is possible to receive an attendance certificate if you:

- reach at least 70% of attendance;

- take and pass the final language test.

For more information about the syllabus: please contact the above mentioned lecturer.

For registration issues: